Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from large stationary point sources such as industrial plants can be strongly reduced by CO2 capture and storage in deep geological formations. A large share of the storage capacity for CO2 in Europe is located in sandstone formations below the North Sea. Even though potential storage formations in the German Ex- clusive Economic Zone (EEZ) are only partly explored, the available estimations suggest that CO2 emissions of German industries can be substantially reduced by capturing and storing CO2 below the seabed within the German North Sea sector.
Against this background, GEOSTOR aims to find prospective areas for CO2 storage and design a roadmap for the implementation of CO2 storage within the German North Sea. To achieve these aims, GEOSTOR will reassess static CO2 storage capacities for the entire German North Sea, quantify dynamic storage capacities for two selected sites, study potential leakage pathways and mechanisms, assess potential environmental impacts during various project development stages, e.g. of seismic noise on marine mammals, and develop a new passive seismic system for the environmentally sound monitoring of storage formations. Further, GEOSTOR will assess potential interactions of CO2 storage operations with other uses and functions of the North Sea area with respect to environmental, technical, legal and economic aspects and derive approaches for resolving potential conflicts.
Industry contributor
The Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI) provides training data sets of a land based CCS test facility. The data set is used to train and test a monitoring system in GEOSTOR.