Expert workshop ‘CO2 storage in the marine area – conflicts of use and inclusion in marine spatial planning?’
11 October 2023 at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in Hanover
The capture of CO2 at industrial plants or from the air and its storage in rock layers deep below the earth’s surface or the seabed is a technological option for the permanent removal of CO2 from global carbon cycles and thus for climate protection. As the German marine area is already being used intensively, various questions need to be clarified for the possible realisation of CO2 storage projects there, such as
What interactions can occur between CO2 storage and other uses and functions of the North Sea area?
How should these interactions be assessed from an ecological, (geo)technical and legal perspective?
Which uses are compatible with each other?
What solution strategies are available for potential conflicts? Is it necessary to include CO2 storage (and possibly other uses of the subsurface) in marine spatial planning and how could this be done?
These questions will be discussed at the specialist workshop with representatives from politics, industry and research as well as from authorities and environmental organisations.
If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please contact Sandra Ketelhake (